Turn Me On

Thursday, 10 March 2016


From the topic regarding on comparison of group member versus individual task, I hoped that I manage to give you the clear view regarding on the topic. I choose this topic for my blog because we are students and we have in the situation like every time when their were assignments that has been given.

I know some of you might disappointed when doing your work when you lousy members, it make you depressed actually.

That is why I encouraged you to be wiser and also reminds yourself that your are a part of society that interact with each other

Group and individual task is really important to fulfill you goal in your study.
I hope that I make you understand the topic that has been discussed for your study alrigt :*


  1.   http://www.job-interview-site.com/working-on-a-team-advantages-and-disadvantages.html
  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=group+and+individual+task&oq=group+and+individual+task&aqs=chrome..69i57.12323j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

Why it is important ??

Why group member is important?

Based on my experience.

Group member is really important in learning? why ? I gained a lot during the study especially on my last semester which I excel the most. 

Did you know that, group member helps you a lot. My first point of view is when you have a good communication and relationship with your team member, you will manage to get a very good result in your assignment. Every each of them have their own specialties for example giving ideas, sharing ideas without doubt, they know how to get information and many more.

It will make you relief when everyone give cooperation but also remember please do give your contribution too.

I hate sleeping partner or 'parasite'. It just very unfair for them to have the mark without helping from the start during the process completing the assignment.

Relax and sit back. be wiser when you choose your group member!


  1. https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/design/instructionalstrategies/groupprojects/benefits.html

Individual task? What do you think ?

Disadvantages of Individual TASK

Even though individual task have it owns advantages but it also have drawback. Sometimes if you realize, you might face difficulties in completing your work. First thing is you might do plagiarism since you have lack of idea. AM I RIGHT? Individual task make you have limited of idea and also no team building or any cooperation with other person. 


  1. http://gulsumdurmaal.weebly.com/disadvantages-of-individual-work.html

OPPSS tell me that you are not the one .

Disadvantages of Group member

Have you ever heard about sleeping partner ? I hate them, they only know to get their marks, they don't give any ideas or contribution. How do you feel about this issue. Isn't worth after all you effort. What is your action peers?

I have an experience it so called as parasite to me it is unfair.
So to have a better result you should be wiser regarding on your team members :*

  1. http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-introduction-to-group-communication/s03-04-advantages-and-disadvantages-o.html

Independence ! it worth to try :D

Advantages of Individual task 

What were the benefits of independent learning for students? The review found some evidence of the benefits of independent learning, including: 
  •  improved academic performance
  • increased motivation and confidence
  • greater student awareness of their limitations and their ability to manage them
  •  enabling teachers to provide differentiated tasks for students; and 
  •  fostering social inclusion by countering alienation.

Individual task teach students that all the effort worth. Don't worry about limited ideas because you can always asked. Don't be afraid.

  1. http://www.curee.co.uk/files/publication/%5Bsite-timestamp%5D/Whatisindependentlearningandwhatarethebenefits.pdf

Advantages!! no regret! :*

Advantages of group member 

From the picture above, what do you think? group member can helps you a lot during learning. 

It is only a brief information on group member! see you in next post :*

  1. http://web.stanford.edu/group/resed/resed/staffresources/RM/training/grouproles.html

Camprison between group member and individual task !!

The table shows the differences between group member and individual task, eventhough it is in an organization but it is important so you can know what you need when you have  a task managment .


  1. http://slideplayer.com/slide/277460/

Benefits :D

What are benefits of individual task?

It is not about selfish but tho people tend to choose group member!. 

People are not quite aware that individual task also is important. It is because
it is an individual type of learning.
You will act with your own, you will construct your own idea and you will organize yourself .

Benefits! :)

What are benefits of  group member? 

When you are involving yourself in group member and you manage to have a good interaction. It shows that you are ready for real world.  As a students, you will recognize about ups and down during learning that involved group member.

As you can see, you will meet sleeping partner, parasite, dominant person, of course conflict happens.

All of these can taught you to aware with who you choose in group member !

Are you one of them??

What involved group member? 

  Five areas that are frequently cited by the experts on task groups are the five C's: Control, Conflict, Communication, Consensus, and Cohesion. The five C' can make or break a task group experience.
     Groups are dynamic and fluid, which often means that the five C's will be interrelated and interconnected. All can influence member satisfaction and ultimately the level of success the group will have attaining its goals. Thinking about some of the pitfalls that task groups can experience, and some strategies that may help you avoid them, may help you prepare for your own task group experience.

Here is the brief meaning for 5 C's

In group, someone need to be appointed to be as a leader. No exception since everything need to run smoothly. Despite that, as a leader the person need to control the situation in order to have a solution. Moreover, as leader he or she need to set a goal, agenda and carried out the purpose of the meeting. If not, there is no coherent in the meeting. They will feel disappointed or no giving any contribution nor giving ideas on the meeting.
Leader play an important role to control the meeting .

The thing that you can't really avoid is conflict that always occur during the meeting. Conflict happened when the teammates arguing over an topic. It is important to avoid an arguments 


In any type of group, communication is very important, because miscommunication almost always leads to problems. In task groups, different communication styles can create a situation in which group members misinterpret messages and fail to have a true dialogue. So as a leader or any of group members, you need to tolerance with each other and have a good communication soo everyone will understand the instruction .


Being a member of a group with no cohesion or no sense of belonging can be very disheartening. Members may have difficulty expending a lot of energy in a group where members have no sense of connectedness or common purpose. Despite that, they will have low interest when they can't bond with each other. 


 Task groups are frequently in the position of having to choose between different options. This means that groups must decide, in advance preferably, how they will arrive at a final decision. One pattern that can develop occurs when a small group of members is in contact outside of the formal meeting and makes a decision.

  1. http://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/Running_An_Effective_Task_Group%3A_The_Five_C'/

Attitude is IMPORTANT !

What type of attitudes that students need to be in a group?

Hello huntsman :*

There are a lot of things that you need to consider regarding on your team members. It is not based on appearance, your look, how pretty are you, how handsome you are!. It is important here when you need to give a great contribution in your work!

Do you have these in you?

  1. problems solver
  2. sharing ideas
  3. active participants
  4. hard-working 
  5. cooperation
  6. tolerance
When you have all above inside you. For sure harmony are build in your  team member :D 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Why it is in LEARNING??

What is Learning Task?

If I'm not mistaken! students are quite aware with learning task where they have been exposed since they in primary school until today? why today because as long you are in a community you will communicate and working with others whether without intentionally. 

Learning task is specifically for the students itself where they sometimes has been divided into group. Or without a choice they do it in individually.

Despite that, the thing that really concern here is where students should know what type of task is that and also who are the one that suitable to complete the task.

The are quite numbers cases where students having problems with their group member to complete their task. It is because  there is no harmony in their team for example sleeping partner and also 'parasite' the person that not giving any contribution in the assignment.

Cute enough haaaa???

It is important for them to choose the suitable teammate if not. There is no way to accomplish their task .



  1. http://stevejbicknell.com/2013/04/07/hmrc-have-a-surprise-for-your-sleeping-partner-its-a-bill-for-national-insurance/
  2. http://www.slideshare.net/mangbu/indian-partnership-act-1932-40161494

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


Who should know about group member

Here we go!

Not to mention! not only students that should know about group member but also society that connect with each other for example in working field. It is because to accomplish an achievement a production teammates need to share their idea, experience and other productive solution. 

In students life, they should be familiar with group member since they will involved for every stage in their study life. A part from that, when students familiar with the 'group' then it will easier for them to fit it. As we all know, everything comes with 'pro' and 'cons'

Monday, 7 March 2016

Defination of Individual task :D

Did you know?? INDIVIDUAL TASK 

As is the case with many terms commonly used in higher education learning, such as 
critical thinking, individual task can mean different things to different people in different disciplines and in different required of them within their new context and discipline. Individual task is a process, a method and a philosophy of education in which a student requires knowledge by his or her  own efforts and develops the ability for inquiry and critical evaluation (Philip Candy, 1991). It includes freedom of choice in determining those objectives, within the limits of a given project or program and with the aid of a faculty adviser. Furthermore, it places increased educational responsibility on the student for the achieving of objectives and for the value of the goals. Moreover, individual task can be seen quite broadly to encompass a variety of situations and contexts where students are interpreting and scaffolding new knowledge and skills independently from those around them. However, this may include situations of group learning where activity may be 
collaborative and individual learning outcomes similar or different but each reached 
independently. Considered in this light, individual task does not need to be seen only in 
terms of learning in ‘isolation’ buy also within a community of learners (Forster, 1972).



Defination of Group Task! what say you :D


Greeting!  As we all know, most of the students are quite familiar about group task and individual task but no one know the right definition for each. So, here is some the right meaning for group task. 

Group is defined as two or more individuals who are connected to one another by social relationships. A group can range in size from two members to thousands of members. Very small collective, such as dyads (two members) and triads (three members) are group but so very large collections of people, such as mobs, crowds and congregation (Simmel, 1902). It is also defined as a group of people with different skills and different tasks, who work together to on a common project, service, or goal, with a meshing of functions and mutual support. Group also can be defining as networked where they are connected one to another. A part of that, group also can be divided into two which is primary and secondary. Primary groups form when people interact in significant, meaningful ways for a prolonged period of time. According to Cooley (1909, p.23) thought that primary groups protect members from harm, care for them when they are ill, and provide them with shelter and sustenance. Meanwhile, secondary groups are such groups that are larger and more formally organized than primary groups, and they tend to be shorter in duration and less emotionally involving. However, secondary groups continue do define the individual’s place in the social structure of society (T. Parsons, Bales, & Shils, (1953). Based on the category students can be categorized as the secondary groups.
Think. Think. Think :D